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Easy Cooling®

About the product

Rosval Easy-Cooling®

Rubber-free refrigeration, every chef’s dream!

In the professional commercial kitchen, strict requirements are set for hygiene and food safety – the same goes for your refrigeration. Until now, the refrigerated workbenches were equipped with refrigerated drawers and cabinets with a rubber seal that had to be cleaned intensively on a daily basis and also replaced periodically.

More information about the product

Rosval has developed an innovative, patented sealing system for your commercial kitchen refrigeration that replaces the old rubber seal. This means a considerable improvement in hygiene, time savings on cleaning costs, and also a considerable cost saving because the rubbers no longer need to be routinely replaced. Existing refrigerated workbenches can also be equipped with the Rosval Easy-Cooling® system relatively easily!

Want to have a look inside our kitchen? Come and visit us at the Rosval Experience Centres, where you can see and experience the Rosval commercial kitchen products. Contact us for more information or make an appointment with one of our project consultants. We’re always happy to help! 


Rosval P&D is i.v.m. kerstvakantie gesloten van 25 december 2024 tot en met 05 januari 2025.

Uiteraard zijn wij telefonisch bereikbaar voor servicevragen op telefoonnummer 0031 499 – 367272.

Wij wensen u hele fijne feestdagen en een gezond 2025!